Sunday, December 16, 2007


::tap tap:: This thing on?

This is the obligatory introductory post. My name is Aeryn, an environmental science student currently at Portland Community College, soon to be (hopefully) Evergreen University. This blog will be my perspective, my soapbox, my place to rant and ramble, and if some people care to read it, more's the better. I will make some attempts to remain objective, or at least to report both sides of a story, but I make no pretense at not being biased. The topics that will get my attention will be focused primarily on environmental protection and climate change, and on political commentary and happenings (especially when the two combine). However, this is also a science blog, which will follow exciting things in the worlds of biology, astronomy, and physics. It is also a geek blog, and will enjoy occasional ramblings on whatever geekdom happens to catch my interest (which, for the past several months, has been Star Trek).

In essence, this is my blog, and I'm a fickle person. Therefore, the range of topics covered will also be broad.

Keep in mind also: I'm just learning.

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